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Important information 

We have been partially open since Tuesday January 26 for only one of our packages. We are waiting to have the possibility of a full opening in the coming weeks.


Non-supervised outdoor businesses have had permission from the government to keep their doors open since these activities respect health measures, including the two-meter distance.  


However, since our activities are supervised  by the musher (guide), and that there may be occasions where the two-meter distance might not be respected, such as in sleds we had to adapt.



Package available !!!  


We have changed our activities so that we can continue to respond to your request.  



$ 105 non-supervised hike, secured by snowmobile guides, you will be alone with the dogs. A driving course will be given before departure. You are your own driver . (Minimum 16 years old) No child will be accepted until further notice.


Several signs have been added (curves, descents, obstacles to come and where to brake.) One person per sled. Open only for small groups.


The changes made comply with safety standards, as well as laws and instructions concerning covid-19 and AEQ regulations.



We look forward to meeting you and enjoying wonderful days with you. 

© 2020-2021 by alaskan du nord

attestation qualité et 
sécurité aventure
comment est évaluer notre entreprise.
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